Undergraduate route

Average duration to becoming a solicitor from A-Levels: 6 years

The law, the whole law, and nothing but the law….

You have a family member that is a lawyer, you have watched Silk and seen the highs and lows of becoming a barrister in the world of criminality, or Suits and had an insight into a solicitor’s world and now you too want to go into Law.

Your fastest route to Law is to study law at university. Whilst it is not for the fainthearted, a law degree does carry a certain level of prestige, however, does require lots of reading and learning of the history and theoretical background to the law, from contracts to wills, conveyancing to insolvency. You learn the broad spectrum of topics which will hopefully give you an idea of an area in which you would like to practice.

The Legal Practice Course is where you can really get stuck in. Learning becomes more practical and hands on. You are now applying what you have learnt to real life situations.

Make sure you get plenty of experience in these 4 years as it will help with Training Contract applications – create relations with local firms and spend time from your holidays within a solicitor’s firm. Getting your Training Contract is easier with experience under your belt!

What did you want to be when you were younger?

“Simple, a solicitor. I wanted the prestige, the knowledge, to meet interesting people, the satisfaction of helping others and don’t forget the money. (It’s not as simple as that!) It is hard work, but it is rewarding. Moore & Tibbits are a relatively large high street firm that offer reliable, flexible and personal service. The office is full of fun, interesting people and it is a real pleasure to work with such a well-respected firm”

James Williams
James Williams


Routes into Law - Undergraduate Route

**Correct as of July 2018**

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