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Specialist Trusts Solicitors

Protecting What Matters Most

More and more people are turning to Trusts either during their lifetime or including them in their Wills as a way to safeguard their assets and ensure their loved ones are taken care of. But with so many types of Trusts and complex legal rules, it can feel overwhelming. That's where we come in.

There are many good reasons to set up a Trust:

Protect your assets: Keep your hard-earned money and property secure from creditors, divorce settlements, or unexpected financial emergencies.

Care for your family: Ensure your children or other loved ones are provided for, no matter what happens to you.

Peace of mind: Knowing your wishes will be carried out and your loved ones are secure can bring great comfort.

We're dedicated to making the Trust setup process easy and understandable for you and have a wealth of experience in setting up all types of Trust (both lifetime and in your Will) including:

Discretionary Trusts: Gives you flexibility to control how assets are distributed.

Bare Trusts: Simple and straightforward for minor children.

Interest in Possession Trusts (Life Interest Trusts): Provides income for life with remaining assets going to beneficiaries.

Disabled Person's Trusts: Affords protection for the disabled beneficiary and also benefits from a more favourable Inheritance Tax treatment.

Why Choose Us?

We work closely with you to understand your goals and tailor your Trust to your needs. Our team has years of experience navigating the complexities of Trust Law and make the legal process easy to understand, so you feel confident in your decisions.

Ready to explore how a Trust can protect what matters most to you? Contact our friendly team at 01926 354704 or email:


Team members

Alison Bristow
Senior Solicitor
Caroline Bates
Consultant Solicitor
Claire Houghton
Senior Solicitor
Debbie Anderson
Solicitor | Managing Director | Head of The Health and Community Care Team
Helen Dodd
Consultant Solicitor
Shona Newman
Chartered Legal Executive
Sophie Wales
Senior Solicitor | Head of Wills and Probate

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