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Maintaining contact with your grandchildren after the breakdown of their parents relationship

It is generally accepted that grandparents can be of great benefit to children. Despite this, many children lose contact with their grandparents upon the breakdown of the parents’ relationship.

If you find yourself in this situation we recommend that you should consider asking the parent with whom the children reside for contact and stress the benefits of continued contact.  If this does not resolve the situation Mediation is an option which may settle the matter amicably and without attending court.  However, Mediation has to be agreed by all parties and if this is not possible, the Courts are available.

The child’s welfare shall be the court’s paramount consideration.  In the case of grandparents it will also consider the following factors:

  • Your reasons for making the application for contact
  • How much contact you were having prior to being stopped
  • Your proposals for contact
  • Any risk of disrupting the child’s life

It is important to recognise that every family is different and how each case will progress depends on the issues that have been raised. 

QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright has an experienced team of specialist Family lawyers who can guide you through the process of keeping contact with your grandchildren.

If you would like to discuss maintaining contact with your grandchildren please contact our family department on 01905 721600. 

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