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When issues arise at work, it can often leave you feeling vulnerable and like you have no one to talk to or rely on for help. Seeking impartial legal advice can help give clarity and direction on how to overcome the problem. We offer a friendly and professional employment law service to get to the root of the issue, represent your best interests and to promote a swift resolution.

All employers across the UK, whether a large company or small family-run business, have a duty of care to ensure your workplace is free from harassment, discrimination and unmanaged hazards. If you have experienced unfair treatment and feel you’re not being listened to or taken seriously, we’re on hand to help.

Some people might be hesitant to involve an employment solicitor for fear of increasing tension or escalating the situation, but in fact it’s quite the opposite. Our team are experienced mediators and work to achieve an amicable outcome between yourself and your employer. We’ll advise you of your rights, look at all available options, attend internal meetings, and represent you before the Employment Tribunal if needed.

As your local employment solicitors in Guildford, we know the businesses and industries that operate here and offer guidance and support across a range of sectors including, but not limited to, education, health, public administration, finance, information technology, tourism and hospitality, construction and manufacturing.

We cover all areas of employment law:

  •  Bullying in the work place
  •  Compromise Agreements
  •  Contracts of employment
  •  Discrimination at work
  •  Disciplinary and grievance procedures
  •  Dismissal and Employment Tribunals
  •  Equal pay
  •  Maternity and paternity rights
  •  Redundancy
  •  Unfair dismissal and constructive dismissal
  •  Unfair treatment at work
  •  Unlawful deductions to pay
  •  Whistleblowing

If you have been treated poorly at work, have been unduly pressured to sign a Settlement Agreement or have experienced any unfair practices, do not hesitate to seek professional legal advice. Our employment law team are available for private and flexible consultations.

Contact us today to see how we can help by phoning 01483 494 805

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