Before employing a professional, you will likely carry out substantial research to ensure you find the right person. Most of the time, the professional will deliver the service to the expected standard. However, sometimes they don’t and this is where a professional negligence claim may be made.
What is professional negligence?
Professional negligence is where a professional is negligent in carrying out their responsibilities to the standard required and expected of someone at their level.
Professional negligence claims can only be brought against an individual who is considered an expert in their field and have failed in one of three areas:
- Duty of care - the person making the claim has to prove they are owed a duty of care by the professional.
- Breach of duty - the person making the claim must prove that the professional breached their duty of care by what they did or didn’t do.
- A loss has been suffered - the person making the claim has suffered a loss due to the breach of duty. This can include mental, physical, financial and other losses.
Why choose Johar & Company
We can advise on all aspects of professional negligence against lawyers, accountants, surveyors and other professionals. We have dealt with many cases where we have successfully obtained compensation for our clients and are able to advise fully in this area of law.
If you feel let down by any professional advisor, we can offer a free consultation and will quickly identify fault, negligence, and loss of opportunity claims and can advise on levels of compensation.
Call us on 01162 254 3345 to find out more.