Part time non-law degree route

Average duration to becoming a solicitor from A-Levels: 9 years

Best of both worlds!

I studied Politics with International Relations at university which I found fascinating, but I couldn’t see how I could translate this into a career. I volunteered at a Citizens Advice Bureau in a deprived area of Leeds which ignited my interest in using my knowledge and experience to help people in a time of crisis.  I loved how much the work kept you on your toes – you had no idea who was about to walk in the door or what problem they were facing.

After I graduated, I decided to work in a law firm, so that I could understand whether it was the industry for me. I worked at first in a local firm as the receptionist, then moved up to a legal secretary. This was a good way of understanding the typical work that a solicitor carries out as you listen to dictation and type the solicitor’s letters, emails, attendance notes and legal documentation for them. I realised then that I wanted to be a solicitor.

I then pursued an opportunity to work as a paralegal at Moore & Tibbits. The path I have chosen to take to become a solicitor isn’t what I’d call conventional, but it works for me. I am now working full time and studying part time for my law conversion. Both the GDL and the LPC are available to study part time (I study at De Montfort but other providers are available).

Is working and studying at the same time for you?

“It isn’t for the faint-hearted and you need to have a lot of discipline to go home after a full day of work to face three hours of tort law! It takes a significant amount of time too. However, it allows me to earn a full-time wage (and pay my rent and bills) whilst pursuing my dream career”

Ceri Mawson
Ceri Mawson


Routes into Law - Part Time non law degree route

**Correct as of July 2018**

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