Often it is possible to settle cases relatively quickly from the date of instruction however this is not always possible. In some instances negotiations can continue into weeks and months (for example if a grievance is submitted, this can take a number of months to conclude). Tribunal action claims can often take much longer and may not be heard by the Employment Tribunal for at least 6-12 months.
Employment Tribunal Claim
- Submitting a claim to ACAS on behalf of the Claimant-£500 plus vat
- Employment Tribunal claims vary depending on the nature of the case. Unfair dismissal claims will cost in the region of £5000 plus vat. Additional disbursements would be Counsel’s fees
- (inclusive of brief fee) £1150 plus vat per day of the hearing. Discrimination claims are usually costlier in the region of £8000 plus vat, plus Counsel’s fees £1150 plus vat per day (including brief fee).
- Taking instructions from a client and submitting an ET1 - £600 plus vat to £800 plus vat
- Consideration of the ET3 - (£300 plus vat)
- Each Standard letter/ each email/each telephone call (£20.00 each)
- Negotiating with ACAS- £400 plus vat
- Preparing. Schedule of loss £350 plus vat
- Preparing a list of documents and consideration of Claimant’s documents (varies depending on number of docs) (£400-£600 plus vat)
- Consideration of Respondent’s list of documents and Respondent’s documents (varies depending on number of docs) (£400-£600 plus vat)
- Preparing witness statements (depending on length of statement) (£400- £800 plus vat)
- Preparing a list of issues and Case Management Agenda (£200 plus vat)
- Consideration of witness statement from the Respondent (£250 plus vat per statement)
- Legal representation at the Employment Tribunal (brief fee (£250-£350 plus vat plus Counsel’s fee£800 plus vat) per day rate
- Consideration of Judgement (£250 plus vat)
- Preparation of a review/Appeal (ranges between £300 plus vat to £1200 plus vat)
Additional costs
Pre-hearing Review
- List of documents -£200 plus vat
- Witness statement- £400 plus vat
- Consideration of Respondent’s statement - £200 plus vat per statement
- Requesting a medical report - £300 plus vat
- Consideration of a medical report (dependent on length £250 plus vat - £300 plus vat)
- Conference with Counsel (varies £600 plus vat - £800 plus vat)
Other services
Preparing a grievance letter/without prejudice letter and dealing with follow up emails - £500 plus vat
Assisting with a disciplinary matter (hourly rate £250 plus vat applies)
Assisting with a settlement agreement (ranges between £250 plus vat to £500 plus vat) price is dependent on whether or not negotiations are necessary
- Disciplinary matters - guiding an Employer through a disciplinary matter (hourly rate applies (£250 plus vat)
- Grievance matters- guiding an Employer through a grievance matter (hourly rate applies (£250 plus vat)
- Preparing a settlement agreement - £500 plus vat per employee
- Disciplinary policies £700 plus vat
- Grievance policies £700 plus vat
- Contract of employments £500 plus vat
- Contract of Services £500 plus vat
- Other contractual documents for a business £250 plus vat hourly rate applies
- Employment Tribunal claims vary depending on the nature of the case. Unfair dismissal claims will cost in the region of £7000 plus vat. Additional disbursements would be Counsel’s fees (inclusive of brief fee) £1450 plus vat per day of the hearing. Discrimination claims are usually costlier in the region of £10,000 plus vat, plus Counsel’s fees £1350 plus vat per day (including brief fee).
- Taking instructions from a client and submitting an ET3 - £600 plus vat to £800 plus vat
- Consideration of the ET1 - (£400 plus vat)
- Standard letters/emails/Telephone calls (£20.00 each)
- Negotiating with ACAS- £600 plus vat
- Preparing a list of documents and consideration of Respondent’s documents (varies depending on number of docs) (£500-£700 plus vat)
- Consideration of Claimant’s list of documents and Claimant’s documents (varies depending on number of docs) (£400-£600 plus vat)
- Preparing witness statements (depending on length of statement) (£500- £800 plus vat)
- Preparing a list of issues and Case Management Agenda (£200 plus vat)
- Preparing a joint bundle - £500 plus vat
- Consideration of witness statement from the Claimant (£250 plus vat per statement)
- Legal representation at the Employment Tribunal (brief fee (350-£450 plus vat plus Counsel’s fee£1000 plus vat) per day rate
- Consideration of Judgement (£400 plus vat)
Additional costs
Pre-hearing Review
- list of documents -£300 plus vat
- Witness statement- £500 plus vat
- Consideration of Claimant’s statement - £300 plus vat per statement
- Requesting a medical report - £400 plus vat
- Consideration of a medical report (dependent on length £350 plus vat - £400 plus vat)
- Conference with Counsel (varies £600 plus vat - £800 plus vat)
*VAT is currently calculated at 20%