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Our Protector will service covers the most common circumstances for people needing a will. It allows you to set out precisely who you want to leave which of your assets to. It allows you to appoint a Guardian to look after any children and also to set out any funeral wishes you may have.


  • Decide who gets what – leave gifts to friends, relatives or charities.
  • Appoint a Guardian to take responsibility for any children.
  • Set out any funeral wishes
  • Appoint the person you wish to carry out your will.
  • Free lifetime storage
    (many firms charge an annual fee for this service).
  • Free signing service Mon-Sat (we provide independent witnesses to ensure your will is valid).

All of our Wills are tailored by expert lawyers to your particular circumstances. Although this kind of will is often referred to by law firms as a ‘standard’ or ‘simple’ will – it requires real expertise to ensure it is properly prepared. Many of our lawyers are members of the Society For Trusts and Estate Practitioners – the professional association for lawyers who specialise in this kind of work. This expertise matters – many Wills end up not being valid due to mistakes or fail to actually reflect what the person wanted to happen. The Protector will is the same type of will that many law firms often refer to as ‘standard’ or ‘simple’ will. 

As well as individual Protector wills, we offer a special ‘mirror wills’ package for couples where you each need a will but want them to, essentially, say the same thing.

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