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SEN | A week in Review 16th - 22nd November 2020

  1. The Government released their latest update (16th November 2020) to the Coronavirus: guidance for children’s social care services. The guidance gives advice about coronavirus for local authorities and their partners to help support and protect vulnerable children. It is notable that the government encourage local authorities to deliver respite and short breaks in pragmatic and flexible ways, including consideration of direct payments beyond their usual criteria. You can see the updates HERE. 
  2. The Guardian’s recent article highlighted that recent research has revealed that one in six children in England aged 5 to 16 now have a probable mental disorder, up from one in nine in 2017, with Covid-19 and lockdown identified as aggravating factors. Read the full article HERE. 
  3. The BBC looked at how the pandemic is fuelling numbers of children being educated out of school at home. They also reported that the Local Government Association have seen significant rises in registrations for home schooling in some areas. The sad part of this report is that due to the lack of oversight on how and why pupils leave, and where they end up, means that tracking them moving forward is difficult. This is a difficult topic, with some children suiting education at home and their parents being happy to provide it. However, other parents feel that they have little choice due to the failure of mainstream education in meeting their child’s needs. Read in full article HERE. 
  4.  A complaint has recently been upheld by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman against Devon County Council, who failed to ensure that a child received suitable full-time education when she was medically unfit to attend school. The LGO recommended that an apology was given, financial payment was received by the family, and service improvements were made. A great success for a family’s ongoing battle. Full article HERE. 

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