- The 19th of July 2021 marked the end of most of the Covid-19 restrictions in England. This included scrapping a limit on the number of family members who could visit loved in that care homes. With rising Coronavirus cases across the UK, should the government have been more cautious in lifting restrictions which could have an impact on the most vulnerable in our society? This article explores. Read in FULL HERE.
- The new health and care bill is designed to deliver an integrated health and social care system in England and Wales. Secretary of state for Health and Social Care, Sajid Javid, claims that this new legislation will help health and care services in England to become …more integrated and innovative so the NHS can deliver for people in the decades to come.... In the wake of Covid, a ‘patient first’ initiative would be a welcome sight . Further guidance from Care England has now been published, which provided the government with a plan to deliver sustainable, long-term reform for the sector. Read in FULL HERE.
- On 13 July 2021, Care England released guidance for the government entitled, We Care For England. This represents the foundation for a long-term and sustainable future for adult social care and explores sets out five key ‘themes’ which the government need to focus on in order for the Health and Care Bill to realise its full potential. These include: Sustainability; Meaningful life; People; integration; and Innovation and Investment. Care England have been clear that they are ready and waiting to help the government reach a definitive solution to social care reform. This article explores the themes Care England envisage will help the government on its road to recovery. Read in FULL HERE.
- An ADASS (Association of Directors of Adult Social Services) Survey has uncovered that almost 7,000 people have been waiting for more than 6 months for a social care assessment and that local authorities are facing an “avalanche of need” as hospital discharge changes increase pressure on social work capacity. ADASS has warned that waits of this nature will put older people, or those with disabilities, at significant risk. It is hoped that the arrival of the new Health and Care bill will reform health and social care in this country. In the interim, it is hoped that a return to assessing hospital patient’s needs in hospital, rather than post-discharge, will be implemented. The ADASS report foun that assessing post-discharge has led to a 27% increase in social care need capacity because of the impact of assessing people out of an acute setting. Read in FULL HERE.
- The Care Act easements have finally been scrapped, 4 months after the government’s decision to do so. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, provisions were made for Local Authorities to be able to suspend duties they owed to service users by law under the Care Act 2014, and these were known as the Care Act easements. This meant that Local Authorities could lawfully refuse to meet needs they would otherwise be obliged to meet under the Care Act, due to a spike in demand caused by pressures on the health service. Whilst arguably necessary at the time, the decision to scrap the easements is welcome news to service users and healthcare professionals. Read in FULL HERE.
If you need help and advice when it comes to issues relating to care, contact our team today for free initial advice by calling; 01926 354704 or email; KirstieL@moore-tibbits.co.uk.
Kirstie Lennox | Solicitor