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Dementia Action Alliance

Moore & Tibbits are delighted to announce we are now members of the Coventry & Warwickshire Dementia Action Alliance.


The Coventry and Warwickshire Dementia Action Alliance is made up of organisations in Coventry and Warwickshire who are working towards creating dementia friendly communities to improve the lives of people living with dementia and their carers.

Moore & Tibbits has a specialist Health and Community Care team who are very involved in raising awareness of the legal issues relating to long term care and mental capacity so that informed decisions can be made.

In partnership with Age UK Warwickshire and Citizens Advice Bureau (Nuneaton, Bedworth, Tamworth and Rugby) we hold free legal advice clinics throughout the region.  So if you have a legal query, please click here to find your nearest one or do just give us a call on 01926 491181.

Expert legal advice you can rely on,
get in touch today:

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