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The bigger picture... Health and social care records in the news...

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be amending their ‘key lines of enquiry’ this November. These are specific questions that form the basis of the CQC’s inspection. Some questions have been reworded following the CQC’s consultation or have been amended so that they are aligned with the questions posed to health services.

There are also some new questions, including one that focuses on record keeping:

"Are people’s records accurate, complete, legible, up-to-date, securely stored and available to relevant staff so that they support people to stay safe? - It will be interesting to see how this question is applied by inspectors."

Healthwatch is the independent, national champion for people who use health and social care services. It has published several interesting reports recently about health and social care provision, including a briefing about people’s experiences of home care services (Home Care: What people told Healthwatch about their experiences’ August 2017) which highlights the importance of an up to date, accurate care plan in delivering person centred care. For more information

Coming from a slightly different perspective, we were also interested to read the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman report into complaints around mental capacity and deprivation of liberty (DoLS) which was published in July. It reinforces our experience that how professionals gather and record information is vitally important to ensure someone’s rights, wishes and feelings are respected. Vague or generalised assessments - in this case Mental Capacity Assessments - are not good enough!


To find out more or to speak to a member of our Health and Community Care team call 01926 491181 or email Debbie Anderson on





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