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Having Funded Nursing Care problems?

Eligibility for the Funded Nursing Care contribution (FNC) used to be, in our experience, a non-contentious process. However, we are attending an increasing number of assessments and reviews where this funding is being withdrawn without, we believe, a proper consideration of an individual’s nursing care needs. In light of the NHS England target to cut the continuing healthcare and funded nursing care budget by £855 million by 2020-21 it is perhaps not surprising that funded nursing care payments are coming under increasing scrutiny.

The key to eligibility is that an individual must require the services of a registered nurse as part of their care in a nursing home. Disputes about eligibility often come down to defining nursing care, where in our experience, tasks that have historically been considered ‘nursing’ are now seen as part of non-nursing care. Two key points seems to be glossed over: first, the vital skill and expertise that registered nurses have in managing and responding to health needs and secondly, FNC funding is not dependent on a registered nurse delivering the care, as the NHS’s own FNC guidance states their role includes “…either the provision of care or the planning, supervision or delegation of the provision of care” (para 6, 2013 guidance).

The impact on individuals when the FNC contribution is cut cannot be underestimated; from the stress of finding extra money to meet care fees, to the very real risk of having to move home.

If you are experiencing problems with FNC as a family, carer, support worker or provider, get in touch with our team today on 01926 491181 or email


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