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I have a client who…?? Questions and answers on health, social care and the law

Are you a support worker, information officer or advocate whose job includes supporting adults with health and care issues? Do you begin telephone calls, letters and meetings with “I have a client who...”?

Then we have the seminar for you! These free events, held in a range of venues across the region will answer questions, challenge misinformation and guide you through current issues and forthcoming changes to health and social law.

Held over a morning, each seminar will cover:

  • Top ten questions about health and social care law
  • How forthcoming changes will affect your clients: Examining the new DOLS proposals, the (alternative) green paper and changes to the National Framework for NHS continuing healthcare
  • Ask the panel

Register your interest by emailing Esme on and submit your burning questions, queries or general musings in advance!

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