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Commercial Property Seminar | A review of the event

Our Solicitor James Williams hosted his first Commercial Property Seminar in conjunction with KLO Financial Services and Together at The Ardencote Manor on Thursday 27th September.

The Seminar addressed the topic of whether or not Property was still a good investment, with James speaking on behalf of the firm from the legal perspective of investment and the other two guest speakers highlighting how to finance the purchase and the best “vehicle” to purchase the investment with.

The event was well attended with 30 guests in the audience, including clients, valuers, surveyors and property investors.

Of course, Brexit was also touched on and the effect it would have to property prices generally. There was agreement from the speakers that regardless of the market, Brexit would be blamed in any event, however, it is safe to suggest that the property market does require some correction as to prices. It was also agreed that prices would drop, however the suggestion by the Bank of England that prices would drop by 33% was proposed as possible scaremongering.

All things considered, properties (residential in particular) continue to be built at a ridiculous pace and prices will remain dictated by supply and demand. Investment in property, the same as investment in anything, is all about timing and that said, property will of course remain a good investment now and in the future, despite any issues Brexit may bring up.

"Really good event James - thanks for the invite. A lot to think about!" Karena Ellis - Greenway | Green Chameleon 

"James,Thank you for your kind invitation and I thoroughly enjoyed the presentations and lunch. It struck just the right balance and a pleasant location" Paul A Britten | Godfrey - Payton Chartered surveyors 

Article byJames Williams 

A huge congratulations to James and the rest of the hosts on such a successful event! 

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