Successful retrospective NHS continuing healthcare funding claims, recovering over £10,000 per client and in some cases much, much more
Challenging access to NHS continuing healthcare for those who fund their own care in the community - and achieving local change in policy
- Successful DoLs (Deprivation of Liberty) cases that have meant individuals could return to their own home, rather than stay in a care home
- Challenging financial assessments for care where one half of a couple would be significantly disadvantaged and successfully avoiding severe financial hardship
- Working with care providers to improve record keeping which has led to success in the continuing healthcare assessments
- Representation at best interest meetings to prevent our clients' being moved to a cheaper care home
- 56 talks and training sessions for support groups, care providers and advocates
- Legal seminars for providers delivered across 5 counties to over 90 support staff
- 189 tweets which led to 98,881 impressions
- Being awarded a Legal Aid contract for Community Care
If you think our Health & Community Care Team can help you, please contact Debbie Anderson on DebbieA@moore-tibbits.co.uk or call 01926 354704.