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Celebrating ’50 years on the roll’

A huge congratulations to our Managing Director Christopher Houghton who is celebrating his 50th year on the roll of solicitors with The Law Society of England and Wales.

In writing to Christopher to congratulate him on his achievement, Simon Davis | President of The Law Society for England and Wales, said ‘The role of a solicitor in society is fundamental. Being a solicitor means upholding the rule of law, being held to high ethical standards and acting with integrity whoever we are representing, from the vulnerable individual to the global giant. Bearing in mind that the fabric of society depends on solicitors creating and effectively enforcing legal rights and obligations we have an incredibly important and rewarding part to play in modern society. Many thanks for all you have done for the profession and the public’


Christopher Houghton | Managing Director says “It’s fascinating to look back and see the changes that have evolved since I first began practicing as a solicitor. When I started, there wasn’t even a photocopier in our office, let alone a fax machine! As technology developed, the legal services sector was revolutionised by how quickly, securely and efficiently legal transactions could take place.  Having been a part of Moore and Tibbits since 1971, it’s been fantastic to see the team grow from just 5 employees to now boasting over 55! I am proud to have such a friendly, warm and dedicated team surrounding me and am looking forward to seeing the company continue to grow, providing legal services from the heart of Warwick” 

With no plans for retirement on the horizon, Christopher Houghton is looking forward to heli-skiing in Canada again next year!  


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