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Funded Nursing Care | New rates from 1st April 2021

Regulations have been put before Parliament bringing into force new rates from the 1 April 2021.
  • From 1 April the standard weekly rate per person, will increase by 2% from £183.92 to £187.60 per week.
  • Those who are already on the higher rate of NHS funded nursing care from 2007 (when the single band was introduced), will also increase by 2% from £253.02 to £258.08 per week.

Funded Nursing Care (FNC) is paid by the NHS for the nursing element of nursing home fees. The contribution is paid directly to the care home. A person is entitled to this contribution whether they are self funding their care or not. Remember, eligibility for Funded Nursing Care (FNC) should only be agreed once a person has been through the NHS Continuing Healthcare process.

The fact the 2% increase is reflective of last years rise, is causing concern among the care home sector. Some organisations such as Care England are describing the increase as “paltry”. This being particularly within the context of how care homes have been at the front line throughout the pandemic, with concerns that some homes could close.  

If you have any concerns or queries about the latest update in regards to Funded Nursing Care, please contact our Clinical Advisor Judy Timson on 01926 354704 or email: 

Article by: Judy Timson | Clinical Advisor 



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