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**News** Delays in registering Lasting Powers of Attorney

The England and Wales Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has announced it is experiencing delays registering Lasting Powers of Attorney.

The registration time period has been extended from 15 weeks to 20 weeks which is from receipt of the signed Lasting Power of Attorney to an application being processed.  This includes a 4 week waiting period required by law.

Lasting Powers of Attorney are incredibly powerful documents and it is very easy to make mistakes or misunderstand what they are and how they can be used.  Many online DIY websites to create Lasting Powers of Attorney help you complete the form but without professional legal advice and guidance, mistakes can happen.

During the 12 months ending April 2020, the Office of the Public Guardian rejected nearly 22,000 applications in England and Wales according to a Which? Freedom of information request.

The common reasons why Lasting Powers of Attorney are rejected include:

  • Instructions and preferences:  people who have drafted their own can often run into problems when they try to restrict the power they are giving to their attorney.
  • Signing in the wrong order
  • Illegible information
  • Missing information

If you would like information on making a Lasting Power of Attorney, please call our experienced team on 01926 354704 for guidance and advice on the next steps.

If you are an attorney and are concerned about your role or believe an attorney is not acting in a person’s best interests, please contact our specialist Court of Protection team on 01926 354704 or email:


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