- A worrying topic for both care home residents and their family members at this point in time. As the pandemic heads towards its second peak, there needs to be a safe balance between protecting residents and ensuring there is still contact with their family. FULL ARTICLE HERE
- frightening but not unsurprising statistic from the recently published Northumberland County Council’s health and wellbeing Committee Annual Report. The report revealed that there were 50 complaints in 2019 – 20, up from 34 the previous year and 24 in 2017 -18, which means that complaints about adult social care in Northumberland have doubled in the past two years. It is highly likely that this isn’t the only area whose statistics reflect the same increase. CLICK HERE FOR FULL REPORT.
- The Government have published its new Winter Plan for Adult Social Care 2020 – 21. The plan outlines the national expectations and requirements of local authorities, NHS organisations and care providers (both paid and unpaid) in order to manage the spread of COVID-19 ahead of the anticipated additional pressures of seasonal illnesses on the adult social care sector. CLICK HERE TO READ FULL PLAN.
If you have any concerns or queries about any of the topics mentioned above, please do not hesitate to contact the Health & Community care Team on 01926 354704 or email: DebbieA@moore-tibbits.co.uk for FREE initial advice.