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NHS Funded Nursing Care rate increase

The government has recently announced an increase in the NHS Funded Nursing Care rates.

NHS Funded Nursing Care (FNC) is a flat rate payment made by the NHS to nursing homes towards the nursing care element of the fees.

Funded nursing care is not means tested and is therefore available for those paying privately for their care. It is essential that the wording in the care home contract is reviewed to clarify whether this payment will reduce the weekly amount of fees due.  Eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare MUST always be considered first.  For more detail on this, please click here

The government has announced the following rate increases:

  • The rate for 2019/20 has been revised from £165.56 a week to £180.31.  These payments will be backdated to 1 April 2019
  • 2020/21, NHS Funded Nursing Care will be increased by 2% from £180.31 to £183.92.  This will be backdated to 1 April 2020.
  • The higher rate of NHS Funded Nursing Care will be increased by 9% from £227.77 to £248.06 per week for 2019/20 (only relevant to those on the higher rate in 2007).  This will also be backdated.
  • The higher rate of NHS Funded Nursing Care will be increased by 2% from £248.06 to £253.02 per week for 2020/21 (only relevant to those on the higher rate in 2007).  This will also be backdated to 1 April 2020.

Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, said: “This has been a long time coming, but we must be grateful to the DHSC for launching a review of the 2019/20 FNC rate as a result of Care England representations. The outcome of the review moves us close to the rate Care England campaigned for and we put, as part of the review process, very detailed arguments and evidence to support it.

The 2019/20 FNC did not reflect nurse costs in nursing homes and this was the reason behind the decision of Care England to push for a review. In addition, coronavirus has put a significant strain on care homes as they are responsible for the provision of care to some of the most vulnerable members of our society again demonstrating the absolute need for properly funded nursing care.”

If you have any queries relating to care home fees, please contact Debbie Anderson on 01926 354704 or email



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