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Adult Social Care: COVID-19 Winter Plan 2020 - 2021 (published 18 September 2020)

As we prepare for the winter months ahead, the government has published its new winter plan for adult social care. The plan outlines the national expectations and requirements of local authorities, NHS organisations and care providers (both paid and unpaid) in order to manage the spread of COVID-19 ahead of the anticipated additional pressures of seasonal illnesses on the adult social care sector.

Key provisions include (but are not limited to):

  • Preventing and controlling spread of infection; an additional £500 million pounds of funding has been allocated to the Infection Control Fund
  • Engagement amongst adult social care agencies to understand the nature of individuals care needs and the level of support required. 
  • Assistance for those providing and receiving social care; free PPE for care homes and care providers until March 2021 through the PPE portal. Local authorities and clinical commissioning groups to work cooperatively to support people requiring support following discharge from hospital. Free flu vaccines for social care staff, including personal assistances funded by Direct Payments or Personal Health Budgets. Supporting organisations to re-open day and respite services safely.

Note, this guidance only applies to England. To see the full article, CLICK HERE


Article by: Charlotte Bell | Solicitor 

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