Saving Justice - QS Jordans on Strike for Legal Aid

QS Jordans announce that we have joined a national action refusing to undertake new legal aid work as a protest at draconian government cuts which are destroying the legal aid system .

The Government has been subjecting the Justice System to a sustained attack over the last 2 years which now sees the second 8.75% cut imposed leading to a cut of 17.5% over the last 2 years . This follows year on year cuts since 1996 . 

There is simply nothing left to cut and our Justice System is gravely damaged as a result . it is simply uneconomic for us to work at the rates now being paid which would require us to operate at a loss . 

This is having a devasting impact on our Justice system and as the Government will not listen we have no choice but to take action . 

We appreciate this will cause disruption and inconvenience to our Clients however we are sure they will appreciate that the action is taken for the "greater good " and to ensure the long term survival of lawyers around the country commtited to justice . 

Accordingly we confirm that : 

1 - We will no longer accept Legal Aid Cases in respect of Police Station Cases , Magistrates or Crown Court Work . We will currently comply only with our strict Duty Solicitor Contractual requirements and we will do no more . 

2 - We will offer no goodwill In the Police Station / Magistrates Court or Crown Court ( i.e. we will do no more than we are required to do ) 

3 - We will be unable to take fresh Prison Law or Criminal Appeal Cases under public funding 

4 - We will not accept cases where other firms have refused to take the case as part of this process

This policy will remain in force until such time as the Cuts are removed and a new settlement is reached with the Secretary of State for Justice . 

Only when a fair rate of pay is restored can we again take new legal aided cases . 

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