Peter Lewis

Partner, Family Law & Collaborative Lawyer

Peter is a partner at QualitySolicitors Parkinson Wright.

He sits as a Deputy District Judge and is also a Collaborative Family lawyer and as such tries to resolve disputes outside contested court proceedings.  Collaborative Law is a process similar to Mediation, however, both parties have their own Collaborative lawyer present in the meeting to assist them with discussions regarding legal issues.

Peter is extremely experienced in all areas of family law, but specialises in the more complex  divorce, separation, financial disputes and children arrangements. He also advises on Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (ToLATA), Civil Partnership disputes and Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements. Peter is well respected in these areas and has a reputation for determined representation.


Family Law Team Award Winners 2022

Peter Lewis - Awards and accreditations

  • Resolution Collaborative Family Lawyer
  • Resolution First for Family Law

News and media

  • News
    • Posted on December 27, 2019
      When couples separate and divorce, part of that process will involve dividing the assets from the marriage and making two households out of one.
    • Posted on December 26, 2018
      When a couple make the decision to marry they want their special day to be perfect and are prepared to spend considerable amounts of money to achieve this. However if the marriage breaks down, the same couple can be reluctant to spend money on obtaining legal advice to protect their financial position after the divorce.
    • Posted on March 29, 2018
      Planning for a wedding is an exciting time and there is so much to think about. Chances are that a Pre-nuptial Agreement is not one of the things on your to-do list, however, that could be a mistake and in some circumstances, it could be very important.
    • Posted on August 25, 2017
      Getting divorced can be one of the most stressful events in a person’s life and once you have decided to end your marriage the next step is choosing how you are going to do it.
    • Posted on December 14, 2016
      Whilst getting a divorce may appear to be straightforward, dealing with the division of assets can be complex, particularly when pensions are involved. Pension funds are taken into account in all financial settlements and can be the biggest asset after the family home.

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