Arranging and paying for care

Worried about arranging and paying for care?

Navigating the care system is not easy…

If you or a loved one needs care, organising and deciding on the best way forward can seem overwhelming. Not only are you coping with ill health or disability, you also have to navigate through the complex world of health and social care.

Many families come to us feeling overwhelmed and worried about the personal and financial implications of significant decisions they are being asked to take. Understandably, they are concerned that they are being asked to make significant decisions under time pressures, without the chance to think through their options.

We can help:

Our Health and Social Care Team has specialist knowledge and expertise about all the legal aspects of care. We can provide accurate, up to date, legal advice that is tailored to your circumstances, ensuring that you are fully informed before crucial decisions are taken, providing reassurance and enabling you to plan properly.

Prepare for care

Seeking legal advice before you sign a care contract, move into a care home or attend a NHS continuing healthcare assessment can save you time, worry and even money. Our first consultation is free and may provide all the reassurance you need.

We provide:

  • impartial legal advice about the options available to you in relation to arranging and paying for care
  • advice and representation to challenge care and funding decisions
  • guidance on how key legislation such as the Care Act 2014 or the Mental Capacity Act 2005 apply to your circumstances
  • representation at meetings and assessments
  • legal advice about financial assessments, care contracts, top ups and deferred payment agreements
  • support to attorneys and deputies to ensure that they fulfil their legal obligations towards the person they act for

Expert legal advice you can rely on,
get in touch today:

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