I am suffering from hearing loss and tinnitus - can I bring an industrial deafness claim?

Exposure to noise levels is a hazard at work that your employer has a duty to protect you against. In some instances a noisy work environment cannot be avoided - however you have a right to be properly protected from any long term harm or injury.

You can also bring an Industrial Deafness claim where exposure to noise over time has caused a loss of hearing or a condition such as tinnitus. It is not just loud noise over a long period of time that can damage but very intensive noise over short periods of time.

  • You should be provided with proper equipment such as ear defenders to protect you
  • You should also receive regular breaks away from the noise area
  • You should be offered regular hearing tests to assess whether any damage is evident – and before permanent damage is caused

If you suffer hearing problems, deafness or tinnitus because of where you work contact QualitySolicitors.

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